45 Creative Hilarious Comics That Gives A Different Take On Weird Situations

Published on 08/03/2022
45 Creative Hilarious Comics That Gives A Different Take On Weird Situations

45 Creative Hilarious Comics That Gives A Different Take On Weird Situations

Enter Maria Scrivan’s world, an Instagram sensation for her single-panel comics and a New York Times bestselling book. You most likely come across one of Maria’s comics at some point if you spend enough time online. Not only do Maria’s comics emerge on social media. Currently, she is working on comics that will appear in major publications like the LA Times. These illustrations are outstanding since they not only communicate the joke in one panel while being humorous. If you tend to have a shorter attention span and a keen eye for content as you scroll through Instagram, this is ideal for you. If you’re looking for some nice laughs, keep reading to see some of Maria’s funniest jokes.

All dogs go to heaven

No questions asked here. Every dog enters heaven. In fact, we’d like to think it’s more widespread than just dogs. When a pet dies, they all enter heaven. Knowing that we will be reunited with our childhood dog when we pass away is the most comforting thought.

All Dogs Go To Heaven

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Literally, nothing suggests that this shouldn’t be the case. Animals shouldn’t have to make these sacrifices for us; we don’t deserve them. Consider how much more enjoyable your life is as a result of your pets. That one doesn’t require much thought on your part!

Yoga for dogs

The upward-facing dog and downward-facing dog are two of the most popular yoga postures, and they get their names from the way a dog stretches. But have you ever thought about what yoga for dogs would look like?

Yoga For Dogs

Yoga For Dogs

They would be experts at it for the most part. They created these two traditional yoga poses after all. But as soon as they spot a squirrel, they would lose all hope. All serenity and tranquility will vanish.

Waldo’s existential crisis

What occurs when Waldo from Where’s Waldo learns that he has gone missing and that searchers are looking for him? Maria Scrivan, however, envisions a scenario in which Waldo experiences an existential crisis. She believes that he would act in this way.

Waldo’s Existential Crisis

Waldo’s Existential Crisis

Yes, he would visit a reclusive monk in a cave in an effort to discover the answers to life’s biggest questions. Like, “Who am I?” And, “How are people supposed to find me if I can’t even find myself?”

While sheep count you

The suggestion to count sheep in an effort to fall asleep is one that is frequently given and welcomed. Visualize them each leaping over a barrier separately. But have you ever considered how lambs attempt to sleep?

While Sheep Count You

While Sheep Count You

What if sheep thought people jumped over fences to make them fall asleep faster. You probably never considered that! And consider if it still functions when the roles are switched! Now, we’re prepared to accept this as a legitimate scientific explanation.


After this pandemic has been going on for almost three years, don’t we all feel like this butterfly cocoon? Many of us question whether or not they are still able to operate normally as we return to normal life, go back to the office, and hang out with real people.



There must already be some research on the negative impact of isolation on individuals’ social cues during the pandemic. Whatever the outcome, we can only say that we understand how this man in the cacoon must feel.

Nine lives

How many pictures do you currently have on your phone? How many of those do you actually have in photo albums or are displayed in frames on your walls? In this one lifetime, those are the only pictures you have. Consider having nine lives.

Nine Lives

Nine Lives

Everyone would be shelling out obscene sums on cloud storage if people had nine lives like cats. We are unable to fathom the millions of images we would amass across nine lives. No cloud is large enough for that.

Lonely cacti

It can be solitary to live as a cactus in the desert. Except for the rare bird flying overhead and the scurrying desert rat, there is no other living thing in this dry, hot environment. Even when people come to visit, they keep their distance from the cacti.

Lonely Cacti

Lonely Cacti

The poor cactus. Unfortunately, nothing will be accomplished by that “free hugs” placard. If you desire any type of personal contact, you’ll need to get rid of your sharp edges. But we would give you a hug if we could.


To honor National Cartoonists Day, the next cartoon appears to be autobiographical. Maria Scrivan has illustrated her own challenges as a cartoonist who frequently runs out of ideas in this piece. We must admit that a lot of us can identify with this work procedure.



Since having pets nearby is a need for the process, we appreciate that she included a drawing of her dog in the comic as well. They may provide ideas for your art. However, has anyone else ever waited until they had an idea before gazing out the window?

Read more books

People are so dependent on their phones today. It is something they always have with them and uses to pass the time whether waiting in lines, getting hair done, traveling, or even using the restroom. However, things weren’t always like that.

Read More Books

Read More Books

People used to carry books around back then. They would read as they waited for their dentist appointment, rode the train, or were at the beach. Maria Scrivan makes some really good observations regarding the advantages of reading.

Summer reading tip

Here is a reading recommendation from Maria Scrivan for the summer. On your vacation at a log cabin, avoid bringing a horror book about a cabin. It won’t entertain you; it will just make you fearful. Expecting to fall asleep is unrealistic.

Summer Reading Tip

Summer Reading Tip

In a cabin in Maine, a woman’s husband suffers a heart attack and passes away while she is shackled to a bed, as depicted in Stephen King’s novel Gerald’s Game. The nightmares start to freak her out.

A vast litter box

Sand is frequently used to fill cat litter boxes, and trained cats only use the sand to relieve themselves. What transpires next when these cats are taken to the beach? It would likely confuse the crap out of them, according to Maria Scrivan.

A Vast Litter Box

A Vast Litter Box

For cats, the beach is simply a huge litter box with an amazing horizon view. Just to avoid upsetting the humans, this cat’s father is warning his son not to play in the sand.

A cat’s to-do list

Oh, to be a cat with no worries at all. This subsequent comic by Maria Scrivan is spot on. Cats primarily engage in napping, seeking for sunbeams to nap in, eating, pestering the dog, and then napping again.

A Cat’s To Do List

A Cat’s To Do List

It’s still too much for this cat, even with these effortless jobs. Yes, it is a comprehensive to-do list, but we would much rather have that cat’s to-do list than what we have. But perhaps we wouldn’t bother the dog. We’d simply cuddle up to it.

Two-way relationship

Dogs have long been used as service animals. Even just being among them can boost someone’s spirits and give them a sense of security. When their person is experiencing a panic attack or similar episode, trained emotional support animals may also tell.

Two Way Relationship

Two Way Relationship

But dogs have advantages that extend beyond humankind. Humans are helpful to dogs as well! It’s a mutually beneficial connection, and both parties receive emotional support. Dogs are known as man’s best pals for a reason. They will reciprocate your affection and care if you show them both.

Slug job interview

What do you reply in an interview when the interviewer asks what your biggest shortcoming is? If you’re too honest, they can view you as a risk to the business. However, they would call your bluff if you spoke falsehood and claimed you had none.

Slug Job Interview

Slug Job Interview

This slug decided to be truthful. Okay, so perhaps this wasn’t the response the interviewer was seeking. But “salt” is not bad, and we hope the honesty was appreciated. Perhaps he was searching for something along the lines of, “I procrastinate sometimes.”

A dog’s diet

If you own a dog, you are likely familiar with the difficulties of misplacing your socks only to discover them later half-eaten in your dog’s bed. These dogs simply seem to have a preference for smelly knitted items like socks and other clothing.

A Dog’s Diet

A Dog’s Diet

It is not difficult to imagine that dog tummies are filled with chow, leftovers, pieces of socks, sweaters, and blankets. They will always have a taste for the same poison, regardless of how frequently they get sick.

Dragon’s dentist trip

The following comic by Maria Scrivan imagines what a dragon’s dental visit would be like. Because he would have to hold his lips open for such a long time, the dragon may have toast his dentist everywhere.

Dragon’s Dentist Trip

Dragon’s Dentist Trip

This dragon’s face is so perfectly shown as having a look of true horror combined with guilt and regret. The dentist, meantime, seemed perplexed by what just took place. He may not yet be aware of how severely burned he is.

Please hold

If you’ve ever called customer service, you know that they keep you on wait for a very long time before letting you speak to someone. You’d be familiar with the words “Thank you for calling. Your call is important to us. Please hold.”

Please Hold

Please Hold

A song sample, whether it be a piano solo or a terrible cover of an old song, would play after those words. When you discover that you have been waiting longer than the promised 30 seconds to speak to a live person on the other side, you do feel a little duped.

Cat motivational speaker

The goal of motivational speakers is to make you take a close look at your life, see what needs to change, and start making those changes. They are fantastic at inspiring people to live better lifestyles. What if a cat gave inspiring speeches instead?

Cat Motivational Speaker

Cat Motivational Speaker

This isn’t really awful advice, and in some cases, it can even be effective: “When in doubt, nap.” After all, the phrase “Sleep on it” is frequently used to describe persons who are unsure about what to do. However, perhaps don’t sleep as much as cats do each day.

Pig in a blanket

The term “blanket” is frequently used to describe the bedding that people use to sleep in. However, that isn’t really a blanket. The following Maria Scrivan picture explains the distinction using a pun since most of the time people mean a “duvet.”

Pig In A Blanket

Pig In A Blanket

A blanket isn’t as big as a duvet, thus it won’t often cover the entire bed as one would. While duvets are basically a thick liner covered in fabric, blankets are also thinner. However, pigs in a blanket are typically quite cozy.

Dog therapy

You were mistaken if you believed that only people occasionally require treatment. This cartoon demonstrates how our actions that we think amusing may cause trauma and trust issues in our pets.

Dog Therapy

Dog Therapy

When we trick our dogs into believing we’ve thrown the ball during a game of catch when we’ve actually simply feigned, it can be amusing. But that exhausts a dog quickly! How can they believe you when you deceive them in that manner?

How The Grinch’s Plan Backfired

Ever wonder what The Grinch does with all the Christmas trees and gifts he steals over the holiday season? He might decide to burn them all in his remote mountain cave. But what if he wasn’t really that harmful?

How The Grinch’s Plan Backfired

How The Grinch’s Plan Backfired

Perhaps all The Grinch wants to do is take back all the gifts to the shops where they were purchased. However, you need a receipt to process a return. He will simply have to put up with those things moving forward.

Flying squirrels

Observing a flying squirrel never fails to be entertaining. They could appear innocent, leading you to believe that they are merely typical squirrels. However, when they leap into the air, you exclaim, “WHOA. They’re limber tiny creatures, so I wasn’t anticipating that.

Flying Squirrels

Flying Squirrels

Here, the definition of a “flying squirrel” has been revised. Although these squirrels most likely aren’t the flying variety, they are undoubtedly flying in this aircraft! They are thoroughly enjoying the attention they are receiving on this flight, and we can hardly blame them.

Dog pool

On their way to school, carpool moms frequently pick up their children at the curb. However, a dog walker who has several walks scheduled in a single hour will pick up dogs at the curb on the way to the dog park, just like this one.

Dog Pool

Dog Pool

The dogs appear to be really thrilled to be heading to the park together. At least they have a pal to walk with now, so it’s no longer a lonely stroll. We wish them good times and lots of catch.

Throw away your plans

The pandemic’s peak was probably when this comic was created in 2020. It accurately depicts everyone’s life, mental states, and disappointments about having to abandon all of our plans for the year.

Throw Away Your Plans

Throw Away Your Plans

Everyone had a bad year in 2020. Whatever we were enthusiastic about had to be put on hold or abandoned. Weddings, vacations, trips, and cruises were postponed. No one had the opportunity to graduate or attend prom. This image wonderfully conveys how awful it was.

Pandora’s boxes

Greek mythology enthusiasts will be aware that Pandora’s Box is claimed to contain the most chaos and disaster the world has ever known and that it should never be opened. Pandora has two boxes in this illustration by Maria Scrivan.

Pandora’s Boxes

Pandora’s Boxes

She shouldn’t probably attempt to open those crates. We don’t require twice as much chaos and devastation. She should simply send those back to the sender and continue. Pandora, whatever you do, don’t open those boxes!

A Star Wars Valentine

If Yoda had attempted to express his love to someone in the Star Wars universe, how would it have gone? Consider that he is attempting to ask R2-D2 to be his Valentine. It’s possible that things won’t work out given the way Yoda speaks, which involves mixing up the words in a phrase.

A Star Wars Valentine

A Star Wars Valentine

Yoda, ah. If only you had spoken in a regular manner like everyone else. Then perhaps R2-D2 will truly think about spending Valentine’s Day with you. But alas, we would not love you as much if it were not this way. It might be for the best.

The Little Engine That Could

Reading The Little Engine That Could is always uplifting. He is so determined and upbeat that he can overcome any challenge. But we’re confident that The Little Engine That Could occasionally lack motivation.

The Little Engine That Could

The Little Engine That Could

Sometimes we’re simply indifferent to the work that has to be done and the challenges ahead of us because of laziness. As long as we get back up, it’s acceptable to occasionally experience these feelings. Or, as in the case of the Little Engine, our wheels.

Cookbook club

A book club is an idea that is well known to all of us. Every week, everyone gathers to discuss their thoughts after reading the same number of chapters from the same book. What if the book they are reading was a recipe book, though?

Cookbook Club

Cookbook Club

It would change from being a cookbook club to more of a weekly potluck where participants test out various recipes and bring the results in for the group to try out. Actually, this sounds like an enjoyable activity. We might try it out!

Zoom background

Who among you believes that working remotely via Zoom has made their personal lives known to their coworkers? The Zoom backdrop of a person can reveal a lot about them. You may also determine from the appearance of this witch’s diet.

Zoom Background

Zoom Background

Having novels about devouring children on display while you’re looking for a post at an elementary school is maybe not the best idea. This witch ought to have employed a virtual background or blurred her background.

Dog Amazon

What happens if you give dogs the ability to make Amazon purchases? What kinds of items do you suppose they might purchase? Kibble? Canine bones An enormous dog crate? They can trash their slippers without worrying about their owner getting upset, right?

Dog Amazon

Dog Amazon

Although this dog decided to purchase a tennis ball, he is now being recommended all of these additional dog toys by Amazon’s algorithm. Use caution when entering your credit card information! The canine could wind up shelling out millions.

Shedding the shell

We are relieved that the days of working from home are behind us. If we continued to work from home now, we are unable to fathom what it would be like. But this cartoon makes us go back to the early days of the pandemic.

Shedding The Shell

Shedding The Shell

Do you recall getting out of bed and using Zoom in your pajamas? Just you in front of the camera with a mug of coffee and your bedhead; no makeup or effort to look nice. When you’re at home, why do you need the shell?

Couple’s therapy

When two people attend couple’s therapy and formally acknowledge to the therapist that they are not on the same page, what does it actually look like? Well, we suppose it might resemble this upcoming Maria Scrivan comic a little bit.

Couple’s therapy

Couple’s therapy

So, visualize this. Two books entered a counseling session. Currently, they are dating. What brings you here today, the therapist queries? We’re not on the same page, one of them declares. The amusing joke is that.

Busy bee

In their hives, worker bees are always working to produce honey. Bees have traditionally been commended for their dedication to their task and for working nearly nonstop. But we have to assume that they would occasionally take breaks.

Busy Bee

Busy Bee

A worker bee takes a little break from her task to answer the phone. In order to show consideration for other worker bees producing honey, he departs from the hive. Naturally, he informs the bee on the other line that he is occupied.

Who needs a partner?

When you have a dog, who needs a boyfriend or girlfriend? Just a few of the reasons why dogs make the best Valentines are listed here. In fact, they are so close to being ideal that there isn’t even a need to feel lonely on Valentine’s Day.

Who Needs A Partner?

Who Needs A Partner?

Do you have any further suggestions for why dogs make the best Valentines? We have a couple. They enjoy cuddling. They enjoy being around you very much. They are open to exchange meals. They might not be a good date if it weren’t for the fact that you always have to foot the bill.

Gonna miss you

Our pets were presumably very perplexed during the start of the epidemic as to why their owners were always at home. But after three years, kids are accustomed to our constant presence. The animals become depressed when the humans resume working from the workplace.

Gonna Miss You

Gonna Miss You

poor canine He was used to being left alone, so it’s likely that he will be more frequently now. However, that was before the epidemic. Without nobody to cuddle and play with during the day, he will now feel incredibly lonely.

Data cloud

Do you recall when the term “cloud” referred to those fluffy white objects circling above us? It now conveys a very new sense. Tech developers have discovered and created a brand-new kind of cloud.

Data Cloud

Data Cloud

Nowadays, everyone makes use of the cloud. All of our documents, data, pictures, and music are kept there. Today, a lot of offices use the cloud. Just think about what the older generation would think of people speaking about clouds as if they owned the sky’s natural structures.

Winter mode

Dogs still require walks, even when the weather is below zero. They should always be outside, moving their bodies and thinking, because it is good for them. However, some dogs can’t take the cold and won’t even venture outside.

Winter Mode

Winter Mode

Does this person, who is clothed for warmth, not realize that the dog also needs to be covered up? Dogs naturally don’t like to venture outside in below-freezing weather, especially if their own coat isn’t sufficiently insulating them.

Sled dogs in summer

What if sled dogs were removed from their native environment? Those canines would undoubtedly overheat if you moved them from their regular winter temperature to a hotter one, making them continuously search for places of water to dive into.

Sled Dogs In Summer

Sled Dogs In Summer

Here’s a way to keep sled dogs from overheating while still allowing them to carry out their daily tasks of pulling people and objects on sleds. However, instead of sleds, a human is riding a huge dinosaur floaty. The same thing, yes?

Going overboard

These rabbits are getting ready for the Easter break. All of the Easter eggs are being painted and will be hidden in the garden for the kids to find. But it appears that one of the bunnies overdid it with the paint.

Going Overboard

Going Overboard

Why end with the eggs, you ask? The rest of the space might use a little more vibrancy and zing. The sofa and the walls genuinely have a nice appearance. It effectively unites everything.

Frozen thought

By doing this, the panel’s universe is expanded to include all aspects of a comic. Actually, it’s quite clever and original! The artist Maria Scrivan is incredibly gifted. Give yourself a moment to enjoy the amusing scenario she came up with.

Frozen Thought

Frozen Thought

There have been more occasions than we can count when we’ve lost our train of thought. We cannot, however, claim to have experienced situations in which our minds become frozen. We have, however, previously been immobile in thought, as we realize now.

Long distance relationship

Long-distance relationships are no longer as taxing as they once were thanks to technological improvements over the past 20 years. No more sending postcards, writing letters or making outrageously expensive phone calls. Everyone on the planet can now be reached via video call.

Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationship

Although video calling allows for a more personal encounter, nothing compares to actually meeting each other. This puppy was attempting to hug and kiss me through the screen, but you can’t do that! He simply became overexcited.

Double masking

If you don’t have a KN95 mask, double masking using a surgical mask and a cotton mask has been advised to the general public. But what if you don’t have a fabric surgical mask to cover the standard one?

Double Masking

Double Masking

Even though this serial killer intended to interact with a person, he nevertheless wanted to remain secure. You would assume that a murderer wouldn’t give the virus a second thought, but this guy clearly did.

Spelling bee

What definitions would you offer to canines who competed in spelling bees? Would you only use words they already know, or would you include huge words as well? Walking, talking, eating, chewing on a bone, and kibble would be some of them.

Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee

You may have noticed that this dog appears frequently in Maria Scrivan’s comics. She frequently has dogs in her panels, and they are always getting up to the darndest things! However, we adore the comedy and originality.

Yoga problems

Yoga is a very calming activity. Yoga classes are a great way to unwind and find peace. Your body is bending and stretching while you pay attention to your breathing and the yoga instructor. However, the environment makes it quite simple to hear a pin drop.

Yoga Problems

Yoga Problems

There’s no way to hide a fart in a yoga class, so it’s really embarrassing if you let one out. It is audible to everyone in the quiet classroom. So it’s good to do yoga with this mallard who offered to accept responsibility for his bloating!

The height of humiliation

Dogs still need to go for walks in the winter. They must continue to mentally and physically challenge themselves. However, most owners wrap their dogs in layers to keep them warm in the winter, making them feel cozy.

The Height Of Humiliation

The Height Of Humiliation

Dogs are the exact reverse of humans in that they would not be embarrassed if they were seen in public naked. It is embarrassing to see them in any type of attire, even if it is to keep them warm because they are so unaccustomed to wearing clothes.